Monday, August 3, 2015

Patience – An Important Aspect of Learning Process

This is a very simple word with a very deep meaning to it. Not just the learning process but anything we do in our daily life is somehow related to “patience”. If we talk about its importance in the field of education, we will realise that it has to be the part of not only a student’s life but also a teacher’s life too. Jodhpur National University makes sure that it inculcates this value both in teachers as well as students.

Impatient people are often seen as arrogant, insensitive, and impulsive. Because they make quick judgments or interrupt people they can be viewed as poor decision makers. Some people will even avoid impatient people, because of their poor people skills and bad temper which is true in the case of a student and a teacher as well.

If a student is impatience then the result is individual failure, not just in the learning process but also in his/her life. Patience is a key to success, and that’s true. Being a student, to handle so many subjects, adhering deadline for practical’s & projects, preparations for assessments and most importantly living up to the expectations of their surrounding people like family, friends, class mates, teachers, peers etc needs lot of patience.

If we throw light towards an impatient teacher, the failure is huge because it affects the entire class. So comparatively the patience level in a teacher has to be more than a student. A teacher has to handle an entire class which has students with different IQ’s, different mentality & different backgrounds. So it becomes not just the need but a necessity for a teacher to have immense patience while teaching and handling students for their better future. You will definitely find this quality in Jodhpur National University teacher that’s guaranteed.


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