job has become more challenging because of all these factors and they have to
be updated with all the recent changes in their field so that they make sure
they are able to deliver the knowledge in a better way. Today before a class is
conducted teachers have to plan their lessons. This practice makes sure that
all the aspects of a particular topic have been covered and the same practice
is used in Jodhpur National University as well. It is a very
simple ratio, if teacher is interested in teaching then students will definitely
get the interest to study. These two things are like directly proportional.
teacher & student will agree with the fact that gone are the days where
only bookish knowledge was taught in the classroom & memorizing the answers
was a major style of learning. These days students spending time in
colleges/universities have comparatively increased and surely demands more
focused approach towards teaching. It has become extremely important for
teachers to understand the needs of students as well as it is necessary for
students to understand the importance of what they are learning to feel
motivated about the whole learning process.
day to day life’s examples while teaching & involving students in a
conversation based on learning topics makes learning more effective. Thanks to
the technology, it has become very easy to recreate the visual images of the
bookish knowledge so that it becomes more interesting & easy for the
students understand the concept and memorize it as well. As it a proven theory
that visual learning is much more effective that basic learning and that’s what
exactly Jodhpur
National University does, makes teaching effective than ever
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