Distance education provides the most comfortable mode of
education for attaining a higher educational degree in a respective field of
study without having to physically present in an institution. Owing to certain
reasons, some people are unable to attend regular college courses and through
distance learning now; they can realize their dreams and are getting needed
qualifications. Through various online courses, anyone can gain desired
education in a particular discipline to improve his life. Today there are
hundreds of thousands of students and working professionals who are changing
jobs, getting promotions, and improving their potential to earn more by
attaining desired level of higher education from any of the distance learning
institutions across the nation.
Jodhpur National
University Distance education provides many with an opportunity to add to
their knowledge and skills along with their occupation. The initial way of
imparting various distance learning courses was post. This manner brought home
a syllabus that was written in simple and understandable manner so that student
could easily absorb it and learn on his own. The entire syllabus was split into
small segments in order to get fit well in student's busy schedule and could be
completed in a small term. Thanks to invention of Internet and various other
advancements in technology, today the world is enjoying much simpler ways of
delivering distance learning courses to masses and at a much faster speed. Pod
casts are the most efficient ways for explaining less complex subjects in easy
manner and take less time to be conveyed to a vast group of online students.
Alternatively, video are being used to convey some of the most
complex subjects to students. These are the best medium of illustration of
tough topics where students are unable to grasp it on their own. Videos are
much celebrated for another reason and it includes student's direct interaction
with their online mentors to get thorough knowledge. On the other hand,
webinars are holding an important place among camaraderie for providing a
tuition which is class apart. This mode of online learning not only saves the
travel time but also a huge amount of money and is considered as the most
efficient manner of virtual teaching.
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National University
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